
It's been a while since I last blogged...

...and posted photos.

That's because I am in dire need of a new camera. Geez, imagine a camwhore deprived of a camera. Well, anyway, since I used up all my Christmas money in parties, gifts (including something for me), eat-outs, and barely anything else that requires money, I'm not having any camera of my own. Still from my trusty ol' friend - camera phone and video camera. DAMN. I want my camera NOW (Baaaaad brat, haha...)

On the other hand, stopping rants, since it's the Holidays, I did have a heck of a Christmas time (read: eat, eat, eat. I am breaking the rule of thou-shall-not-weigh-more-than-thy-refrigerator, LOL), and now come New Year's, MORE reunions (family and friends alike) since Uncle Boy from US will be coming, my cousin will be christened, and more relatives to come and to meet this vacay. One helluva holiday break for me. And to think, I still haven't met everyone I should be meeting this Christmas. Daddy and the Angels, I am so missing you!!

But I still can't get my head out of left schoolwork, since I'll be facing it in a week's time. Imagine: skipped STS prelims, unapproved CST, still NINE more grueling days of RLE, physics is drilling hard on me, and MIDTERMS is so on January. I still have to face judgment of the battery exam, more exams (midterms and finals, and a cruel additional departmentals), more paperworks for RLE, data analyses, data presentation, and ANY OTHER academic whatnot I could think of.


I wish it's always Christmas break.

I just wish SO.

P.S. Back to merry eating, hahahahaha